Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Times Square

Times square is a major commercial center located at the intersections of Broadway and 7th Ave, stretching from 42nd to 47th St.  Here, unlike Columbus circle just to the North, the building play an important role in the form of the space. The building provide external social stimulus in forms in the form of entertainment for the users of the space.
As one enters Times Square, it is obvious how signage is a major source of entertainment to the public. Above the public stands and watches themselves on the billboard and waves to find where they are. Other types of signage include advertisements and store signage.
Not only are users located on ground level but you also find users in storefront and balconies overlooking the busy street.
You may also find advertisement, like this one above, on moving vehicles that share the space with pedestrians.
What was once a busy vehicular roadway along Broadway is now a bustling pedestrian only area. The users have adapted to the existing form by using the curb as seating.
Many of the users are tourists and enjoy sitting, socializing and people watching while taking in the site.
Just as people are adaptable to sitting on curbs, they are also adaptable to window sills or anything that has even a slight ledge at a comfortable height.
While walking through, you may notice that many users, more singles then groups, site close to traffic and watch the vehicles go by.
Within this space, you will also find many vendors  targeting tourists including the tour guides .
In addition to commercial vendors, there are also free or donation sideshow entertainment. Above: Group of sailors giving free hugs.

Other entertainment includes the Naked Cowgirl (shown above), silver statue men, brides, etc.
As you move away from Times Square, where more space provides larger entertainment, you can also find break dancers and large crowds that gather to watch.
These types of entertainment often times try to involve the audience in the performance to enhance the entertainment and increase donations.
Theses spaces are use to showcase art, demonstration areas and social gatherings.
Street vendors are often found on the side streets coming off times square trying to catch pedestrians as they move in and out of Times Square. In these locations, vendors are out of the way but still in proximity to their potential customers.
Also, Just North of Times Square Along Broadway, you will also find many street vendors for charity donations and public entertainment such as mural painting.
Times square is one of richest parts of New York . It shows from it high-end new stands, relatively clean sidewalks, and police security.
There are several plazas located near times square and not all of them are successful. Above is a sunken commercial courtyard that is not use by the public. There are no seats and a lack of connection to the above street life.
Above the secluded below grade plaza is another raised plaza that is successful. There is plenty of seating, shade provided by the building and trees, and a good connection to the street life.

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