Monday, June 6, 2011

Analysis of William H. Whytes Video: "The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces"

William H. Whyte, from the Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, 1980.
The Video, The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, by William H. Whyte originally accompanied a publication Whyte released in 1980. The ideas and findings from Whyte’s study were incorporated into the New York City zoning ordinances to provide better urban public spaces within the city to encourage social interactions between users of the spaces. Although, the city has changed very much since the 1980’s, his findings still hold true to the social aspects of urban public spaces. The study, The Street Life Project, which Whyte conducted, identified several key requirements that public spaces must have to make successful public spaces.  The main characteristics Whyte discusses includes: sittable space, street relationship, the sun, food, water features, trees, and triangulation.

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